General Terms and Conditions of Use

These General Terms and Conditions of Use (or ToU) provide a legal framework for the use of the site (hereinafter referred to as “the website” or “the blog”), its content and features.

By law, you have rights that cannot be limited by any contract such as the following ToU, which cannot be used to limit those rights.

The website owner may modify these ToU at any time due to the website content and features updates and evolution, to legal or regulation matters and compliance, to safety issues, or to prevent any prejudice or abuse.

As no data is collected from you by the website, it is not possible to contact you in order to inform you of such modifications. You are thus encouraged to regularly re-read these ToU to check for any updates. To help for this, a summary of any modification will be available in the Changelog section, in which a link to the previous ToU will be available. Moreover, the publication and last modification date (if applicable) are indicated within this page, and are used as these ToU version number.


  • Publication of the first ToU version full text.

Pursuant to article 6 of law no. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for trust in the digital economy, users of (hereinafter refered as “the user” or “users”) are informed of the identity of the various parties involved in its creation and maintenance:

Website owner
Alexandre Martos
Owner’s phone number
(+33) 07 83 62 26 97
Owner’s email
Owner’s address
1 avenue du Quercy, 47340 Laroque-Timbaut, France
Publishing director
Alexandre Martos -
Data Protection Officer (DPO)
Alexandre Martos -
Alexandre Martos -
Hostinger International, Ltd. 61 Lordou Vironos str., 6023 Larnaca, Cyprus


In addition to the definitions in the Legal notices section, the following definitions are used in these ToU and in any of the website pages:

you or any other third-party visiting
Website content
any textual (including source code) or graphical content available through the website by any mean or process.
Original content
any of the website content created exclusively for and for which the intellectual property belongs to the website owner.
Unoriginal content
any of the website content for which the intellectual property does not belong to the website owner. The corresponding intellectual property owners are indicated where relevant.
the gallery page used to display the website original images.
Owner’s avatar
the image named “Avatar Of Alexandre Martos” displayed in the gallery and used as the About page banner.
all the website logo versions, displayed at the top left side of each page, and used as a favicon.
any page listed in the blog archives.
Article banner or banner or banner image
image located at the top of an article, before the article title, and which does not belong to the article content (see below).
Article content or content
the textual (including featured source code) and graphical content of an article, below (and including) its title and up to its footer. This definition excludes the article banner image.
Source code
any text used as instructions for a program; this definition includes the comments written in such text but ignored by the programs.
Website source code
source code used by the website for the execution of its operations or features, and available to the user by any mean or process.
Featured source code
source code not used by the website for the execution of its operations or features, and displayed as such in the articles content.

Intellectual property and counterfeiting

The website owner holds the intellectual property and usage rights of all original content created exclusively for the website, including (but not limited to):

  • the owner’s avatar and all website logo versions
  • the banners and gallery images and used throughout the website
  • the original text and image contents of any of the website pages

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, or adaptation of some or all of the website original content, by any means or process, is forbidden without the express written consent from the website owner.

Any unauthorized use of the website or any of its original content will be considered as counterfeiting and any offender will be prosecuted in accordance with articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code or with the relevant law or regulation in force in the offender’s country.


The articles content may be subject to licenses of use which are indicated within the article footer when applicable. The scope of these licenses may also be individually limited to certain parts of the content; in such cases, the scope is specified with the relevant license.

Licenses are limited to their indicated scope. When the latter is omitted, they are limited to the content of the licensed article. The licenses are neither applicable nor extended in any case to any unoriginal website content, or to any original website content outside of the licensed article content.

The following links lead to the full texts of the licenses, where applicable:

Website access and features

The website provides free access to information articles and posts, programs source code sharing and analysis, and illustrations, all published by Alexandre Martos in his own name.

The website can be accessed by any user equipped with an internet connection and a web browser. All costs resulting from the equipement and services used to access the website (hardware, internet connection, etc…) are the user’s sole responsibility.

To ensure the website suitable maintenance, the website owner, publisher or webmaster may, at any time:

  • temporarily suspend access to the website to carry out updates
  • suspend, interrupt or limit access to any or all parts of the website, its content or features
  • limit, restrict or forbid access to any or all parts of the website, its content or features
  • delete any of the website data or censor any of its information potentially disrupting the website operation, or its content or features operations
  • delete any of the website data or censor any of its information that are in violation of national or international laws


The website owner, publisher and webmaster decline responsibility for the following issues resulting from the user’s internet connection or their use of the website, its content or features:

  • any damage caused to the user or any other third-party
  • any damage caused to or failure of the user’s hardware or equipment
  • any breakdowns, difficulties, or disrupted operations preventing or impairing access to or use of the internet or the website, its content or features

The website owner, publisher and webmaster undertake to ensure the website security to the best of their abilities. However, they cannot be held responsible if unwanted data is imported and installed on the website without their knowledge.

The user’s equipment and hardware used to access the website is the user’s full and entire responsibility. The user must take all suitable measures to protect their equipment, hardware and personal data, particularly against viruses or any other attack vector. The user is entirely responsible for their visit of any website.

The website owner, publisher and webmaster decline responsibility for any legal proceedings against the user resulting from non-compliance to the website ToU or from the use of the website, its content or features, or any other website or service accessible via the internet.

If the website owner, publisher or webmaster are named in an amicable or legal proceeding related to the use of the website, its content or features, they may initiate proceedings against the user to obtain compensation for all damage, indictments, penalties, and costs resulting from such proceedings.

Users Data Protection

In accordance with the provisions of the French law 78-17 of January 6, 1978 modified and Data Protection regulations, the user has rights of access, modification and deletion of any of their information and personal data collected by the website.

To exercise these rights, the user is invited to send a message to our Data Protection Officer: Alexandre Martos -

The website does not collect any information or data related to the user. However, intermediary services (e.g. the host) may collect some, outside of the control of the website owner, publisher or webmaster. For more information about the nature of data collected and related rights, the user is invited to refer to these intermediates' respective ToU and Privacy Policies. The user may contact our Data Protection Officer for further information about this.

The user may also submit requests about their rights related to their personal data to the CNIL website. However, the user is encouraged to first contact our Data Protection Officer to resolve any related issue they may encounter.

The website contains hypertext links to other websites, generally labeled by the icon. owner, publisher and webmaster decline all responsibility for those links, or for hypertext links created on any other website and leading to any page or content of


A “cookie” is a small file which records information about a the use of a website by a user. The data obtained this way can be used, for example, for audience measurement.

The website does not install any cookies on the user’s computer.

Governing law and jurisdiction

All legal disputes related to the use of the website are subject to French law. Except for cases in which the law prevents it, exclusive jurisdiction is given to the competent courts of Bordeaux (France).