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Code Space: the final frontier.

The first programs I recall typing were those from a compilation of games source code we had with our TO8 . We had very few floppy disks at the time, and many more games. Regularly, we had to practically recreate a game by hand to play it. They were simple games, but copying the code (it was in BASIC) was sometimes more fascinating than playing the game itself.

Years later, I had my TI83+ in hands. It was programmable — a BASIC dialect, again. I spent my time writing programs for it, sometimes useful things (sometimes), often for fun (very often).

I have always been attracted by programming and computer science. However, one thing leading to another, I ended up in biology. I got my PhD in genetics, an equally fascinating domain (life’s source code, in some way), but constantly keeping an eye over computer science. It’s during those years I started to play with GNU/Linux, Bash, Python, LaTeX (which I used to write my thesis), Vim, etc… I got my Post-Doc in a bioinformatics lab, but I had little time those years to really progress further on the topic than the usual scripts to process and analyse data.

I then decided to fully switch to being a full-time programmer. After my Post-Doc, I started to learn C out of curiosity, and I continued to learn exponentially: {E,C}Lisp, Lua, C++, HTML/CSS/JS, Git, Emacs, various frameworks, etc

Self-taught programmer, always curious. Exploring, seeking knowledge and skills, and boldly going where I’ve never gone before.